CLA Memo of Understanding about Writing Integration

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Effective Fall 2007

All AUCC courses in Categories 3B, C, D and E of the core must satisfy the following requirements regarding writing.  These must be clearly stated on the syllabus for the course.

1. Goals for writing in AUCC courses:

There are two goals for writing assignments in AUCC courses: (1)

(1) to improve students’ comprehension of course content and,
(2) to improve students’ proficiency in writing.

Note (1): Both of these goals are best achieved when students receive feedback on their writing assignments and have an opportunity to make use of that feedback.

2. Writing requirements:

(1) At least 25 percent of the course grade must be based on written work that satisfies the following:

    1. At least one writing assignment must be an out-of-class piece of written work. (2)
    2. In-class written work, such as on exams, must be in the form of essays.

Note (2): While this represents a minimum standard, to maximize the benefits to students of more writing multiple opportunities to write and respond to feedback are recommended, such as:

  1. Several out-of-class writing assignments.
  2. One or more rewrites of an out-of-class writing assignment.

(2) Expectations of written work must be clearly stated on the syllabus.  Among other things the instructor considers appropriate, those expectations should include students demonstrating: (3)

          1. The ability to convey a theme or argument clearly and coherently.
          2. The ability to analyze critically and to synthesize the work of others.
          3. The ability to acquire and apply information from appropriate sources, and reference sources appropriately.
          4. Competence in standard written English.

Note (3): Instructors should use their own discretion in communicating to students the relative importance of the various expectations in their own writing assignments in terms of how they will be graded.

3. Plagiarism Statement:

More writing in AUCC courses also brings the risk of increased incidents of plagiarism.  It is strongly recommended that instructors have a statement in their syllabus that clearly states that plagiarism in not acceptable and is a form of academic dishonesty.  An example is:

Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty.  As per university policy “Any student found responsible for having engaged in academic dishonesty will be subject to an academic penalty and/or University disciplinary action.”

On page 38 of the 2006 2007 General Catalog, plagiarism is defined:

Plagiarism includes the copying of language, structure, ideas, or thoughts of another, and representing them as one’s own without proper acknowledgement.  Examples include a submission of purchased research papers as one’s own work; paraphrasing and/or quoting material with properly documenting the source.”