Faculty, instructors, graduate teaching assistants, and anyone else involved in assigning, responding to, and assessing writing may find useful the resources on this site.
Grading and Responding to Student Writing
- In Beyond the Red Ink: Teachers’ Comments Through Students’ Eyes, hear from students reflecting on how teachers’ comments on their writing affect their learning and engagement. Students share what types of comments have worked well for them and what types have been
hurtful or unproductive. - The following handout, used in GTA training, offers some general advice for commenting on student writing.
Responding to ESL Student Writing
- Writing Across Borders. In this video, hear from international students themselves as t
hey share their experiences with writing across cultural borders. Hear, as well, from writing studies professionals who share their advice and experiences working with non-native Eng
lish-speaking students. - WAC and Second-Language Writers: Research Towards Linguistically and Culturally Inclusive Programs and Practices. In this open source edited collection, contributors share pedagogical, curricular, and programmatic practices relevant to second-language writers, highlighting the voices and experiences of second-language writers.
- CSU English Department faculty Jenny Levin and Kiley Miller-Dickerson offer helpful advice on Responding to ESL Student Writing in the infographic to the right.
Addressing Issues with Plagiarism
Responding to Grammar Issues
Writing and Inclusive Teaching Practices
Young, V. A., (2010) “Should Writers Use They Own English?”, Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies12(1), p.110-117. doi: https://doi.org/10.17077/2168-569X.1095