The gtPathways Writing Integration Initiative is designed to support undergraduates’ learning and communication skills through the integration of writing into AUCC courses. The 2007 Memo of Understanding outlines for faculty the expectations of this program.

To aid faculty in this work, the director of the program, Dr. Kelly Bradbury ( is available for consultation on ways to integrate writing-to-learn and writing-to-communicate assignments into your classes. Additionally, over 70 GTA lines across the CLA and Psychology are dedicated to assisting faculty in responding to and assessing undergraduates’ writing.

Graduate students whose TA-ship includes grading and providing feedback on undergraduates’ writing will participate in a 6-hour pre-semester training in August and take E608: Integrating Writing in the Academic Core, a 1-credit/5-week course offered each fall. For more information about the GTA training, see the For GTAs page.

Below are resources designed to aid faculty across the disciplines in integrating meaningful writing assignments into their courses.

Integrating Writing into Your Courses

If you are just getting started integrating writing into your AUCC courses or are looking for ideas to revise and/or expand your writing assignments, the following resources provide useful information.

Designing Effective Writing Assignments

  • Below is a short guide for Designing Effective Writing Assignments: