Associate Professor


  • Role:

  • Position:

    • Associate Professor
    • Director, gtPathways Writing Integration Initiative
    • Director, TILT Graduate Student Teaching Certificate of Completion
    • Upper-Division Composition Administrator
  • Concentration:

    • Rhetoric, Writing, and Literacy
  • Department:

    • English and University Composition Program
  • Education:

    • PhD in Rhetoric, Composition, and Literacy Studies from The Ohio State University
    • MA in English from South Dakota State University


Kelly Bradbury hails from the wilds of South Dakota, but lived in Ohio, New Jersey, and New York City before moving to sunny Colorado. As a writing and rhetoric specialist, she teaches a variety of upper-division classes including Writing Arguments, Writing in the Disciplines (Social Sciences & Arts and Humanities), Writing in Digital Environments, Studies in Literacy, and an English Major Capstone course titled Searching for Equity: Critical Information Literacy, Social Justice, and the English Major.

As Director of the gtPathways Writing Integration Initiative, Bradbury trains graduate students in Psychology and across the College of Liberal Arts how to integrate writing into their teaching and respond meaningfully to others’ writing. Additionally, she is the Director of the TILT Graduate Student Teaching Certificate of Completion (GSTCC).

Her primary areas of research include rhetorical empathy, critical information literacy, and linguistic justice across the curriculum. She has published articles in Journal of Teaching Writing, Computers and Composition, and Community Literacy Journal, and has a book titled Reimagining Popular Notions of American Intellectualism: Literacy, Education, and Class (SIUP, 2016).

Bradbury is also the original drummer for the indie rock band New Detectives and can be heard drumming on their 2012 album, Mayday.


Select Publications:

"Networking Across the Curriculum: Challenges, Contradictions, and Changes," in Systems Shift: Creating and Navigating Change in Rhetoric and Composition Administration, 2023

Goldiloxxing Intellectual Participation: Getting It ‘Just Right.’” The Rhetoric of Participation: Interrogating Commonplaces in and Beyond the Classroom. Computers and Composition Digital Press, 2019.

Reimagining Popular Notions of American Intellectualism: Literacy, Education, and Class. Southern Illinois University Press, 2016.

“Teaching Writing in the Context of A National Digital Literacy Narrative.” Computers and Composition: An International Journal  32 (June 2014): 54-70.

“Intellectualizing Adult Basic Literacy Education: A Case Study.” Community Literacy Journal 6.2 (Spring 2012). 1-21.

“Positioning the Textbook as Contestable Intellectual Space.”  Journal of Teaching Writing 27.1 (Spring 2012). 1-22.

“Outsmarting Pop Culture’s ‘Be Stupid’ Pedagogy.”  Academic Exchange Quarterly 15.3 (2011). 69-74.


  • CO302: Writing in Digital Environments

  • CO301C: Writing in the Disciplines–Social Sciences

  • E608: Integrating Writing in the Academic Core

  • CO301A: Writing in the Disciplines–Arts & Humanities

  • E465 (Capstone): Critical Information Literacy, Social Justice, and the English Major)